Friday, 2 May 2008

Top 10 Crimes

1. Pushing every last DVD down the cracks in the floorboards
2. Scribbling on every available surface, walls, doors, floors, furniture and once a piece of paper!
3. Leaving something "on" in the car so the battery is dead at school pick-up time (twice).
4. Mashing every last item of make-up into my pine dressing table (inc. nail varnish)
5. Microwaving Molly's sandals into a black sticky blob - black smoke and a delightful smell
6. Pushing cocktail sticks into the toaster so they ignite when next used
7. Using the pull down oven door as a step up onto the surface
8. Making us a "tuppa tea" by pouring all the coffee granules into the kettle and surrounding area
9. Pretending to be the Andrex puppy with every single loo roll I put out
10.Wiping her hands, nose, face on anything but the kitchen roll I give her - stain city

Where to begin?

She wasn't always so naughty. In fact, she was quite a peaceful little person as a baby. I figured it was my turn to have a laid back one after her sister being so highly strung as a baby. Then around 18 months the baby turned into the toddler and here we are. A year lady and Seek and Destroy Dais is still running the joint.

I have always been a bit of a control freak. Before getting married, I alphabetised my CD collection, had my books themed onto different shelves and always knew where everything was. I didn't like a lot of noise and mess and valued my "me" time. Contrast that with how I live today, and you will understand the wonder of "mad pills" from the docs!

When it was just me and her sister, I was quite the Earth Mother. We did some kind of baby activity every day and I was often found whipping up a batch of home made playdough and finger painting at the kitchen table.

When Dais arrived, some of those activities had to go on a back burner due to time restraints and as she became more mobile, for her safety (and my sanity). Since turning 18 months, it doesn't seem to matter where you put forbidden items - she can always find them.

There have been crimes so numerous, that I don't think I will ever remember them all, but if I start a daily blog I can at least remember them for my scrapbook in years to come.

Todays highlights - Green felt pen all over my tasteful fabric dining chairs - not a streak, not a smudge, but a full blown Jackson Pollack over three out of four of them. The fourth one was already trashed by glitter glue some weeks ago.

A whole new art piece in the hallway - this time using navy blue felt tip. Her circles are coming on great!

Items that have been "Daisied" (i.e. no longer fit for human use) today:
The lipgloss from my handbag
My new white T shirt - that tomato sauce will never come out.

Items lost without trace today: (May turn up later in a welly in the garage?)
My favourite Miglio necklace
My Armani watch
Daddy's black boots

Hours slept: 5.

Would not go to bed last night. Finally put her into bed around 8.30pm and left to settle herself. Calling out turned to screaming about 9pm. Went to check only to find she had scratched herself so badly that it was bleeding - good one! Mummy can't ignore blood. Downstairs watching Tom & Jerry on the sofa until finally dozed off at 11pm. Back into own (freshly changed) bed only to wake at 4am. Didn't dare leave her to scratch her poor foot, so into bed with me. Woke up with head on bedside cabinet clinging to the mattress seam as she laid star shaped in the centre of my double bed.

Mummy feeling a little pooped today, but Dais full of beans ...

You Ought To Write That Down!

Anyone who has met my daughter will tell you they have never seen a child with so many hands! When recounting stories to friends, it is usual to add an element of embellishment for the sake of a good story. With Daisy as the subject, no embellisment is needed - it is ALL TRUE.