Friday 2 May 2008

Top 10 Crimes

1. Pushing every last DVD down the cracks in the floorboards
2. Scribbling on every available surface, walls, doors, floors, furniture and once a piece of paper!
3. Leaving something "on" in the car so the battery is dead at school pick-up time (twice).
4. Mashing every last item of make-up into my pine dressing table (inc. nail varnish)
5. Microwaving Molly's sandals into a black sticky blob - black smoke and a delightful smell
6. Pushing cocktail sticks into the toaster so they ignite when next used
7. Using the pull down oven door as a step up onto the surface
8. Making us a "tuppa tea" by pouring all the coffee granules into the kettle and surrounding area
9. Pretending to be the Andrex puppy with every single loo roll I put out
10.Wiping her hands, nose, face on anything but the kitchen roll I give her - stain city

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